3 Easy Spring Crafts You Will Love

These easy Spring crafts are just perfect to help your children feel more connected to the natural world, develop their creative skills, and create a beautiful keepsake.
They can easily be adapted and so are ideal to use if you have children or different ages and can also be completed in an afternoon. What’s not to love?
And what better way to celebrate Spring than do a craft project that helps to bring the joy and colour of Spring into your home?
Spring Craft #1:
Bird Collage
We follow the ENWC curriculum by Lyn Seddon and as part of that we have been looking at nesting birds. I decided to extend our study by doing a lovely little art project where we made collages of some of our favourite birds using old magazines. They were really easy to do and all the children managed to produce a really beautiful piece of art work.

- old magazines
- scissors (optional)
- glue
- card to stick your collage on to
What to do:
- If possible spend some time studying garden birds first – you could look in books, the internet and even better get outside and see if you can spot or hear some birds. If you live near a park with a pond then you could go and look at the ducks – they have such beautiful colours.
- Sketch a picture of the bird you want to collage.
- Look in the magazine for pictures that have colours that you need and tear out small strips of paper.
- Arrange and stick down the pieces of paper onto the card until your picture is complete.
This spring craft project could easily be adapted – you could create pictures of your favourite Spring flowers, work as a family to create a picture together or paint lots of different colours and patterns on to paper, let it dry and then tear up to use in your collage instead of using old magazines.

Spring Craft #2:
Easy Button Flower Sewing Project
We have also been looking at Spring Flowers and I wanted my children to make a keepsake of the Spring, something that we could display and something they would treasure in years to come. Somewhere online (sorry, I can’t remember where) I saw some lovely spring flowers button embroidery and thought we could have a go at making our own. The buttons form the basis of the flowers and then simple (or more elaborate if you wish) stitches can be used to represent the stems and leaves. My children also chose to add in grass and sew in the word Spring.

- A selection of buttons
- Embroidery silk in a variety of different colours
- Embroidery hoop
- Tapestry needle
- Paper
- Pencil
What to do
- Draw around the embroidery hoop onto the paper.
- Arrange the buttons to represent the flowers. Experiment with different sizes, orders and heights. Try layering a couple of buttons together.
- Draw in the stems (and leaves if wanted). Try adding stems that go straight and stems that curve slightly.
- Draw embellishments (if wanted) such as grass, bees or butterflies.
- Secure fabric into embroidery hoop
- Now you need to transfer your design onto the fabric – using your drawing as a template, place the buttons in the correct places on the fabric and draw in the stems, leaves and any other embellishments using the pencil.
- Put the buttons back on the paper in the correct order
- Sew each button onto the fabric one at a time
- Use a simple running stitch, backstitch, stem stitch or chain stitch to create the stems and embellishments

Spring Craft #3:
Tissue Paper Blossom Branch

This is another easy but beautiful craft to do with your children. When you have finished it pop it in a pot and display it on your nature table.
- A small fallen branch that has twigs forking off it
- Coloured or white tissue paper
- PVA glue
What to do:
- Tear up small pieces of coloured tissue paper and scrunch up to look like blossom.
- Use PVA glue to stick the tissue paper along the branch.

If you are looking to do some focused Nature Study this Spring why not take look at my Natue Study Journal?

A month’s worth of nature study
⚘️ Fill in the beautifully illustrated journal pages with observations from your weekly/ daily nature walk and from your Special Sit Spot, log your favourite finds from your week out in nature and track the weather on a daily or weekly basis.
Record signs of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, and track plants and animals that you find along the way. Use the journal pages to copy out or create your own nature poems and draw annotated sketches ready to display above your nature table.